Microendodontics Intense:
Course with 30+ hours of Micrscope training in 6 days
Module 1:
Day 1:
Theoretical endodontics- rationale, diagnosis, anatomy, success and failures
RubberDamology - Concepts & Hands-on
Introduction to magnification
MicroDentistry & Ergonomics
Pre-Endo build-up
Access cavities - right approach to the canals
Day 2:
Working length - Use of EAL, Radiographs & Paper point
Demystifying marketing jargon: files design
Shape to clean: instrumentation
Irrigation techniques
Obturation: techniques & outcomes
Day 3:
Post endodontic restorations
Post & core: materials & techniques
Module 2:
Day 1:
Simple re treatment
GP removal techniques & cleaning canals
Methods to obturate & use of MTA/Biodentin
Complex re treatment with clinical decision making
Discussion with patient for final treatment plan
Day 2:
Non surgical VS surgical treatment
Post removal: instruments and methods
Ledge bypassing techniques
File retrievals: cost effective and efficient methods
Day 3:
Post endodontic restorations after retreatment
Horizontal VS vertical tooth preparation
Participants are requested to bring 2 airotor handpieces, 4 anterior and 4 posterior teeth (mix upper and lower).