This is the case I must proud on. I attended endodontics course by Dr Gurpreet Singh in Nov' 2012 and with his advice bought #Dental_Operating_Microscope on 18th Feb' 2013. With some struggle of 2-3 months, this was the case I did completely under the microscope. This was not easy as I was not using rubber dam at that time. Microscope was a very basic one made in Ambala (HR), India with fixed binoculars at 45° with a CCTV camera attached to it with no recording option. I used to click pics with intra-oral camera. So its something to proud on! No, its not. I attended Dr Gurpreet lecture and seen my this #mid_mesial case in his presentation and just previous slide was of Dr Terry Pennkuk with mid-mesial case. It was great feeling to see my case in his presentation and saying "its not that such cases can be done in western world or in metro cities with big setups. Anyone can do it, if has passion and love for his profession. It made me proud and thankful.
My childhood friend came to my clinic with his wife complaining pain in right lower back tooth. Pain was dull in nature and was not subsiding even after taking antibiotics and analgesics. She had history of root canal treatment done around 6 months back. After examination I found that tooth 46 was tender on percussion. IOPAR showed incompletely filled root canal. I decided to re-treat in two visits with #calcium_hydroxide as ICM. #Hero_shapers manual files along with K files were used for re-treatment. Pain subsided after first visit. Second visit was after 21 days and tooth was completely asymptomatic. So I decided to obturate. I was using single cone and lateral compaction technique at that time. Sealer, ZnOE based and #Pulp_Canal_Sealer (PCS)- EWT as my favourite.
Feel free to comment and put your suggestions.
Thank you
Neeraj Narang